Make a Donation
Your contribution makes a difference!
If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please sow a seed. God gives seed to the sower (II Cor 9:10, KJV). Secure donations can be made via the PayPal donate buttons.
No contribution is too small. We believe that if you give what you are able, God will bless and multiply it.
With much of the funding coming from our own personal finances, we appreciate anything you can do to offset our costs and help us accomplish our goals of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
When you sow, the world will know!
Sign distribution: We want to plant signs throughout the nation, proclaiming “No Matter What Trust God”
Support our sign distribution efforts
Billboard Fund: Praise God!!! Our first moving billboard can be seen throughout the Hampton Roads community. This is the first of many. If you would like to contribute towards this effort, or would like to see a moving “No Matter What Trust God” moving billboard in your city, click on the link to donate and contact us.
Support our nationwide billboard efforts